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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentMini Water Playground closed until further notice. // Fire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.

During the 1970s, the Western Australian Planning Commission (formerly known as the Metropolitan Region Planning Authority) acquired most of the lands that now constitute Whiteman Park.

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage is tasked with the operational management of Whiteman Park on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission.

Western Australian Planning Commission

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is the statutory authority with state-wide responsibilities for urban, rural and regional land use planning and land development matters. The WAPC responds to the strategic direction of government and is responsible for the strategic planning of the State.

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) is responsible for planning and managing land and heritage for all Western Australians – now and into the future. The DPLH undertake key activities relating to land use planning, the land supply chain, land administration and asset management, all aspects of heritage, and Aboriginal lands and heritage.