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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentMini Water Playground closed until further notice. // Fire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.

Whistling kite
Haliastur sphenurus

While many mistake these Horse Swamp regulars for the wedge-tailed eagle on first glance, there are some tell-tale differences to help you identify the whistling kites in the Park.

Despite being a similar colouration to the wedge-tailed eagle, they are a smaller bird and have a distinctive pale 'M' on the underbody. There is also a difference in their leg feathers, with the whistling kite’s leg feathers finishing higher up the leg. As local eagle specialist and one of the Park’s consultant ecologists, Simon Cherriman would say, "eagles wear pants, while kites wear shorts".

Look for these birds of prey hunting in the skies around Horse Swamp.

Scientific name

Haliastur sphenurus

Noongar name
Common namewhistling kite
Conservation statusLeast Concern
Habitatopen woodlands and wetlands
Park occurrenceResident

Haliastur sphenurus Whistling kite Horse Swamp 01 WEB

Above: a whistling kite, with its short leg feathers, landed at Horse Swamp.
Banner image: whistling kite overhead, courtesy of P. Melling.