Foraging habitat for the increasingly rare three black cockatoo species is found in Whiteman Park's woodlands. Lucky visitors may spot (or likely hear!) these beauties tucking into the fruit of the Park’s eucalypt and proteaceous species.
The endangered Baudin’s black cockatoo (Zanda baudinii) and vulnerable forest red-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii) are the most frequent visitors, while the Carnaby’s black cockatoo (Zanda latirostris) are occasional visitors.
The Park works hard to provide habitat and food sources for these iconic species, planting over 60,000 forage species in recent years to secure feeding grounds into the future.

Images (L-R): A male Carnaby's black cockatoo feeding on banksia seeds; Baudin's black cockatoo; a forest red-tail black cockatoo feeding on marri fruit.