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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentMini Water Playground closed until further notice. // Fire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.

Australian magpie
Gymnorhina tibicen

The iconic Australian magpie is a common sight in both our bush and parklands. Our wide-open grass areas and bushlands are foraging heaven for these birds, who appreciate being able to see across their territory.

A magpies’ diet consists mainly of insects and larvae, and they have very good hearing to find them! Magpies can hear the sound of grubs and worms under the ground, so watch for the tell-tale cock of their heads as they scan the ground for movement next time you’re in the Park.

They can also feed on small reptiles, frogs and mammals, as well as seeds and fruit, which means they definitely don’t need our help in finding food! You can help keep our magpies healthy in two ways - by leaving them to forage for themselves and by giving them the healthy respect they deserve and admiring them from a distance.

Read the blog
Scientific nameGymnorhina tibicen
Noongar name
Common nameAustralian magpie
Conservation statusLeast Concern
Habitatgrasslands, heathlands, woodlands
Park occurrenceResident