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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
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Australian white ibis
Threskiornis molucca

These common wading birds are found across Australia and are regulars around the Park’s wetlands.

Many people associate this native bird with littered areas and refuse sites, hence they are often affectionately referred to as ‘bin chickens’. Their preferred natural habitats are actually wetlands, such as Horse Swamp here at Whiteman Park, where they feed on their natural diet of aquatic invertebrates which they reach using their long bill.

If you see one of these ibis flying overhead, you could be forgiven for thinking they just flew out of the late cretaceous period, as they have a featherless stretch underwing that looks quite reptilian in nature!


Scientific nameThreskiornis molucca
Noongar name
Common name

Australian white ibis, sacred ibis

Conservation statusLeast Concern
Park occurrenceseasonal visitors

Fauna Aves Australian white ibis Threskiornis moluccus flying overhead 01 WEB

Above: The underwings of the Australian white ibis.