The many wetlands and damplands within Whiteman Park support a healthy population of amphibians, with nine species having been recorded in the Park during surveys by the Western Australian Museum and CSIRO back in the late 1980s.
With such a large swathe of wetlands that are relatively protected from roaming cats, these amphibians thrive in the Park.
Ground frogs | clicking froglet, Crinia glauerti crawling toadlet,Pseudophryne guentheri moaning frog, Heleioporus eyrei pobblebonk, Limnodynastes dorsalis quacking frog, Crinia georgiana squelching froglet, Crinia insignifera turtle frog, Myobatrachus gouldii |
Tree frogs | motorbike frog, Litoria moorei slender tree-frog, Litoria adelaidensis |
FrogID Week
This Australia-wide citizen science program helps monitor frog distributions around the country. You don't need to be an expert in all things frog related to get involved either - just use the free Frog ID app to record and count frogs in your area.
FrogID Week is hosted by the Australian Museum and runs for a week in November each year, so get out there and get frogging!