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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
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Moaning frog
Heleioporus eyrei

Often heard, but less often seen, you’ll know this from when you hear the males' distinctive long moaning calls during the Autumn breeding season.

These wetland-loving frogs often have a nice bright yellow nose and side stripes, as well as very large eyes.

The headwaters of Bennett Brook are a favoured place in the Park – if you’re entering via our western Beechboro Road entrance, be sure to roll your windows down and listen out for who’s calling as you first cross the tributary on your drive in.

Scientific nameHeleioporus eyrei
Noongar namekooyar
Common namemoaning frog
Conservation statusLeast Concern

Want to learn more about the moaning frog?

Visit the WA Museum Frog Watch website to listen and learn more.

Listen and Learn