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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
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Motorbike frog
Litoria moorei

You may well have heard this species and not even realised it was a frog you were listening to! The motorbike frog gets its name from the entertaining engine sounds it makes as they call loudly for a mate: it sounds like revving up a motorbike.

Also known as the western green tree frog, this species is common at Whiteman Park and throughout the metropolitan area, where they are often seen in backyards around Perth.

You are most likely to hear the dulcet gear-changing calls of the motorbike frog around Mussel Pool, and sometimes in the winter-wet areas around the Village.

Unfortunately, their populations are decreasing, so creating a backyard small pond with lots of foliage can provide much needed habitat for the species. Check out ReWild Perth’s resources so you can get planting and attract your own biker friends to your neighbourhood. They will be a welcome addition!

Scientific name

Litoria moorei

Noongar namekooyar
Common namemotorbike frog
Conservation statusLeast Concern
Park occurrenceResident

Want to learn more about the motorbike frog?

Visit the WA Museum Frog Watch website to listen and learn more.

Listen and Learn

It is important to note that you should avoid touching or holding frogs, which may damage their sensitive skin. Our team only do so where there is an immediate threat to the individual frog, and all care is taken when handling.