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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
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Quacking frog
Crinia georgiana

This Park amphibian is characterised by detailed but variable patterns on its back and distinctive red thighs that give the quacking froglet its other common name – the red-thighed froglet.

Reaching only 41-44mm in length, what these little guys lack in size they make up in sound, shouting a loud 'quack quack quack' to attract a mate on cold, rainy nights.

Mussel Pool and the surrounding wetlands is a favourite place for these courting quackers, so be sure to listen out for them on overcast wintery days!

Scientific name

Crinia georgiana

Noongar namekooyar
Common namequacking frog, red-thighed froglet
Conservation statusLeast Concern

Want to learn more about the quacking frog or red-thighed froglet?

Visit the WA Museum Frog Watch website to listen and learn more.

Listen and Learn