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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
alertFire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.

Squelching frog
Crinia insignifera

The smallest frog species in the Park is the squelching froglet. Growing to just 2.5cm in length, they are only found around the wetlands and damplands on the Swan Coastal Plain.

These mini frogs like the open surrounds of Mussel Pool and Horse Swamp but are more likely to be heard than seen due to their small size.

Despite their name, their call is more akin to a squeaker toy than a squelch!

Scientific name

Crinia insignifera

Noongar namekooyar
Common name

squelching froglet, sign-bearing froglet

Conservation statusLeast Concern

Want to learn more about the squelching froglet?

Visit the WA Museum Frog Watch website to listen and learn more.

Listen and Learn

It is important to note that you should avoid touching or holding frogs, which may damage their sensitive skin. Our team only do so where there is an immediate threat to the individual frog, and all care is taken when handling.