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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentMini Water Playground closed until further notice. // Fire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.

Tiger snake
Notechis scutatus

Our wetland-loving snake is the fourth most toxic land snake in the world1 and are fairly common around Horse Swamp and Mussel Pool.

Luckily, they tend to avoid us noisy humans, but they are known to aggressively lash out if feeling threatened.

Tiger snakes feed on a variety of prey – from frogs and lizards to birds and mammals – as they hunt during the day. You may even spot them swimming in one of the Park’s water bodies as they go in search of a meal.

These snakes can usually be identified by the yellow underbody that wraps up in a tiger-like stripe pattern on their sides. They can grow to an impressive two metres in length.

Scientific nameNotechis scutatus
Noongar namenoorn
Common nametiger snake
Conservation statusLeast Concern
Habitatwetlands, damplands, open heathlands

1Australian Reptile Park