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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentMini Water Playground closed until further notice. // Fire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.

Bull banksia
Bankisa grandis

With a Latin name of 'grandis', meaning 'grand' or 'large, the bull banksia is identifiable by it's large-toothed leaves and thick, creamy white flower cone that is much larger than its similarly coloured cousins the B. attenuata and B. litoralis.

Flowering in spring and early summer, you can see a few obvious specimens can seen along Whiteman Drive West as you enter the Park via our western entrance off Beechboro Road.

The bull banksia (Banksia grandis), like the swamp banksia (Banksia littoralis), is much less commonly seen in the Park.

Scientific nameBanksia grandis
Noongar namepoolgarla
Common namebull banksia
Growthtree or shrub
Height1.5m - 10m
Conservation statusNot threatened
Florabase profile