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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentMini Water Playground closed until further notice. // Fire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.

Eucalyptus gomphocephala

Remnant specimens of tuart are also found within Whiteman Park. These tall canopy trees have a limited range along a narrow coastal corridor within the Swan Coastal Plain. The Park’s trees very much on the eastern border of their typical range and only in small numbers.

These forest giants can reach up to 40m in height and are important habitat for a range of fauna. Their white flowers, not dissimilar to those on the jarrah, form between January and April.

In recent years, numbers of tuarts have declined dramatically within their natural range due to sprawling development. The Park has planted a number of tuart saplings and young trees in an effort to help bolster numbers on the Swan Coastal Plain.

Scientific name

Eucalyptus gomphocephala

Noongar nametuart
Common nametuart

10 - 40m

Conservation statusNot threatened
Florabase profile