The paperbarks, or Melaleuca species are another significant group of trees within Whiteman Park.
These species are characterised by the papery-textured bark on their trunks and snowy flowers which are produced throughout the warmer months, often giving the effect of snow-capped trees!
The stout paperbark (Melaleuca preissiana) is the most commonly seen by visitors, as it can be spotted in low-lying and dampland areas around the Village and Mussel Pool.

Images, above:
(Top row, L-R) The iconic papery bark of the swamp paperbark, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla, courtesy of S. Stevenson; paperbarks are prolific around Mussel Pool; the finger-like flowers of the stout paperbark, Melaeuca preissiana; paperbarks get their name from the thin, paper-like bark they produce.

Image, above:
The brilliant white 'fingers' of the stout paperbark, or Melaeuca preissiana, in bloom, courtesy of K. Morley.