The grass tree, which is also commonly known by its Noongar name of ‘balga’, is easily spotted throughout the conservation and picnic areas.

These species are unique to Australia and extremely slow growing, with their growth rate believed to be less than one centimetre (1cm) per year. There are some specimens within the Park that reach heights of more than two metres and can be up to 250 years old!
Spectacular flower spikes rapidly arise from their grassy heads, typically as a response to fire.
While fire is an important ecological component of the Whiteman Park woodland, it can only be tolerated by many of our plant species at long intervals, emphasising the need for fires to be avoided at all times.
Xanthorrhoea brunonis | Grasstree | Grows to 1.5m, with a 10-30cm flower spike from October to December. |
Xanthorrhoea gracilis | Graceful grasstree | Grows up to 2m, with a short flower spike from October to January. |
Xanthorrhoea preissii | Grasstree | Grows up to 5m, with a 1.5-2.5m flower spike from June to December. |
Visitors are asked to take extreme care with cigarettes and other items which may jeopardise the fragile environment.
A close up of the grass tree stalk.