The Children's Groundwater Festival wouldn't be what it is without the dedicated support of a range of environmental educators and professionals from a range of local government, not-for-profit and private organisations.
Want to get involved?
If you are interested in participating on the day as a workshop presenter or event volunteer, or in helping to support the event through sponsorship, please contact our Groundwater Festival coordinators via [email protected] or download the CGF Sponsorship opportunities, which includes the presenter registration information.
thank you
Whiteman Park would like to take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to our long-term major Festival Sponsor, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

While our Wetland and Spring sponsors vary each year, the Park is thankful for the support of the following organisations in recent years:
• Chittering Landcare Centre
• Water Corporation
• WA MuseumBoola Bardip
Finally, a big thank you goes out to these organisations for their support and involvement in the 2022 event:
• Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: Nearer to Nature
• Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council
• South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare
• University of Western Australia