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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentMini Water Playground closed until further notice. // Fire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.
$6.00 per child
75 minutes
Monday to Friday
Download program outline
Year Levels:
  • Pre-Primary
  • Year 1
WA Curriculum Links:
  • HASS: History

Bill and Beryl are going on a family picnic for their birthday and you can come too!

Step into Revolutions Transport Museum for a program that has been specifically designed to introduce Early Years students to the past in an easy, fun and play-based way! Students will start with a story about Bill and Beryl and their family from 1910, among objects from the past in the museum. Dressing up in historic costume, they then form their own ‘families’ to go on a picnic day out in the past. The class can climb aboard some real, historic modes of transport - including a horse and cart, train carriage and child-sized penny farthing - to travel to their imaginary picnic, complete with vintage props!

In this program, your students will:
✔ Identify similarities and differences between families.
✔ Compare life in the past and present.
✔ Identify how changes can be big and noticeable, or small and subtle.
✔ Pose questions about the past using unique sources, including museum objects, props and photographs.

This program is delivered at Revolutions Transport Museum, an engaging exhibition of land transport heritage in Western Australia.

Book NOW
Pre-Primary Resources Preview Year 1 Resources Preview


"The presenter is very in tune with the students and their needs, they were engaged and interested at all times. Well done, you do an amazing job!!!"

"We came back this year because the programme was so well presented to the children. Dressing up in the clothes from the past is great for the kids then experiencing the different types of transport, they really got an understanding of the past from this experience. Well done to all programme coordinators, you are talented and extraordinary people."

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