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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
alertFire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.

Visitor Information


10:30am - 11:45am


$6.00 per student (3-8yo)


Our History programs are delivered within Revolutions Transport Museum

Have you ever wanted to bring your kids to a Whiteman Park education program workshop but don’t have enough students to meet minimum numbers?

Our new Homeschool Education Days will help! Join us, alongside other homeschool families and groups to experience these hand-on, learning-by-doing education programs. Facilitated by Whiteman Park’s education officer, your homeschoolers can explore history, science, nature and maths curriculum areas surrounded by the Park's natural bushland or within Revolutions Transport Museum.

Follow the program name links to find more information about the education programs on offer and their specific curriculum links.

Book your homeschoolers using the button below (just be sure to select the relevant date range and student numbers), or contact [email protected]

Book now

HASS - History programs

DATESProgram outline
Wednesday 26 MarchBill and Beryl’s Big Day Out 2 sessions; 10.30am (FULLY BOOKED) and 1pm (still available)
A transport heritage education program for the Pre-Primary and Year 1 History Curriculum, best suited for ages 3-6 years.
Tuesday 6 MayFast Forward: Carts to Cars
A transport heritage education program for the Year 2 History Curriculum, best suited for ages 5-8.
Wednesday 7 MayOn the Move
A transport heritage education program for the Year 3 History Curriculum, best suited for ages 5-8 years.

Science and Maths programs

Don't miss these Science and Mathematics programs exploring our banksia woodlands either!

DATESProgram outline
Thursday 27 MarchForest Full of Wonders 2 sessions; 10.30am (FULLY BOOKED) and 1pm (still available)
An environmental education program for the pre-primary Science Curriculum, best suited for ages 3-6 years.
Monday 21 JulyMiraculous Trees
An environmental education program for the Year 2 Science Curriculum, best suited for ages 5-8 years.
Tuesday 22 JulyConservation Calculators
An environmental education program for the Year 3 Maths Curriculum, best suited for ages 5-8 years.

  • Whiteman Park's Homeschool Education Days are open for children aged 3 to 8 years.
  • A non-refundable payment is required at time of booking. Credit notes will be issued for cancellations with three (3) days notice.
  • Booking is essential at least two weeks prior to the program date.
  • Parent supervision is required for the duration, this is not a drop-and-leave program.
  • Minimum numbers are needed for programs to go ahead.
  • General booking terms and conditions apply.
  • If demands exceeds capacity in the listed sessions, additional times may be offered.
Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, May 6
10:30am - 11:45am

Wednesday, May 7
10:30am - 11:45am

For further information or to register please contact:

Bookings Office
Phone: (08) 9209 6000
Email: [email protected]