There are over 400 flowering plant species found within Whiteman Park, with something in flower year-round. Of course, flowers are most abundant in Spring, when the Park bursts into colour!
Flowering almost year-round, except for during the traditional wildflower season, is the pink summer starflower (Calytrix fraseri). This spiky shrub flowers from December through to August. Its yellow cousin, the summer starflower (Calytrix flavescens) flowers from December to January.
One of the most common flowering shrubs in the Park are the yellow buttercups of the Hibbertia family. There are five hibbertia species found within the Park and we’d challenge you to try to find the differences between them! The most common is the common yellow buttercup (Hibbertia hypericoides) which is a prolific flowerer. Bobtail lizards and other fauna dine on the flowers and fruit of this vibrant species.
We recommend picking up a copy of our Wildflowers booklet from the Visitor Information Centre, as it will help you to identify the more common flowering species within the Park.

Several orchid species are commonly seen around the Park’s pathways and walk trails, including the common donkey orchid (Diuris corymbosa) cowslip orchid (Caladenia flava) and pink fairy orchid (Caladenia latifolia).

Other memorable wildflowers are the sprays of pink Swan River myrtle (Hypocalymma robustum) in late winter to early spring, the striking prickly mosses (Acacia pulchella), with its masses of yellow fluffy ball-like flowers in September and October and the brilliant orange/yellow feather flowers of the Morrison bush (Verticordia nitens) which flowers in early summer, producing fields of swaying golden colour.
(Banner) Swan River myrtle, Hypocalymma robustum, is a stunning shrub that can be seen around the Village recreation area and along the Wunanga bush trail.